Thursday, 18 April 2013

Interview with a friend of my families, who is South Africa.

How do you think South Africa’s police force has responded to the media attention that it received from Oscar Pistorius?
I think they have done a reasonable job in managing what has been a very difficult period for them. Starting with the Marikana Mine Massacre last year they have had huge scrutiny within the media and have responded as best they can.'_strike
Do most South Africans carry guns in their homes to protect themselves?
I would not say 'most'. I think it’s something like 13/100 people carry firearms...not sure how this stacks up with the States etc. In Johannesburg (Gauteng) its seems more prevalent but not so much in the Western Cape. A lot of the farming communities are armed in the North of the country.
Do South Africans trust the police force and appreciate what they do for them, or do they believe they don’t get it right?
I think fundamentally there is a ‘mistrust’ of the police by the majority of people.  More prevalent within the  lower socio-economic groups where the police have not really covered themselves in glory. They are in some instances seen as the puppets of the ANC regime when they have been used to quell public unrest/demonstration in response to poor service delivery by the Government.
What is your take on Oscar Pistorius and his court case with Hilton Botha?
Did not follow it that closely but I think it just  case of the police not being diligent when putting together a thorough investigation. If it were just a ‘regular’ case I don’t think there would be that much scrutiny on the investigating officers etc.
Do you feel that the police force sometimes abuse their power?
Yes, there is considerable corruption within the police force. I think it starts at the top though with most South African Governmental Departments suffering from corruption at high level. See ‘Jackie Selebi Trial’.
Do you think that when examples come out of them killing a man they promote violence to younger people?
Do you feel the police force set a good example?
Not generally. I think they are too far stretched in day to day operations to have time to put a decent PR campaign together.